Seismo-VLAB  1.3
An Open-Source Finite Element Software for Meso-Scale Simulations


The Node class defines a point in a finite element mesh. This class provides with member functions that allow

This class also provided with private member variables that stores information regarding

The Figure below shows a schematic representation of a node in 1 dimension, 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions, respectively. The single arrows represent the translational degree-of-freedom, while the triple arrows represent the rotational degree-of-freedom.



  • Forde, B. W. R., Foschi, R. O., & Stiemer, S. F. (1990). "Object-oriented finite element analysis". Computers & Structures, 34(3), 355–374.
  • Mackie, R. I. (1992). "Object oriented programming of the finite element method". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 35(2), 425–436.


The python 01-Pre_Process/Method/ file provides with an interface to populate the Entities dictionary. A Node can be created using the addNode() function. This function will transform the provided information into json format to be parse in the Run-Analysis.

  • addNode(tag, ndof, coords, freedof, totaldof):

    • tag : The identifier of this node, i.e., tag > -1
    • ndof : Number of degree of freedom, i.e., ndof > 0
    • coords : Coordinates of the node, i.e., (x,y) or (x,y,z)
    • freedof : The free (with restrain/constraint) degree of freedom numbering of this node
    • totaldof : The total (without restrain/constraint) degree of freedom numbering of this node


    A NODE can be defined using the python interface as follows:
    SVL.addNode(tag=6, ndof=3, coords=[1.00, 0.00, 0.00])

    Please refer to the file located at 03-Validations/01-Debugging/ to see an example on how to define nodes using the addNode function.

On the contrary, the 01-Pre_Process/Method/ file provides with an interface to depopulate the Entities dictionary. For example, to remove an already define Node, use:

  • delNode(tag):
    • tag : The identifier of the node to be removed, i.e., tag > -1


The C++ 02-Run_Process/01-Node/Node.cpp file provides with the Node class implementation. A Node is created using the built-in json parse-structure provided in the Driver.hpp. A Node is defined inside the "Nodes" json field indicating its "Tag" as follows,

  • {
        "Nodes": {
            "Tag": {
                "ndof" : int,
                "totaldof": [ ],
                "freedof" : [ ],
                "coords"  : [ ]
    Variable Description
    Tag A unique node number identifier.
    ndof Number of degree-of-freedom in the node.
    totaldofList of total degree-of-freedom identifiers.
    freedof List of free degree-of-freedom identifiers, ( \(= -1\)) is restrain, ( \(\leq -2\)) is constraint, and and ( \(\geq 0\)) is free.
    coords The coordinates in 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensions of the node.

    The node identifier number must be unique and positive ( \(\geq0\)).
    The numbering in totaldof and freedof defines the sparse matrix pattern.
    The node object handles the domain-reduction motion used in Load.
    It is worth mentioning that the number of degree of freedom ndof at each node is defined by the user, and such number should be consistent with the element that will be connected to that node. Defining the number of degree of freedom in this manner allows to add explicitly internal degree of freedom that can be used to formulate elements, see for instance PML2DQuad4.

    A fixed tri-dimensional NODE with 3 degree of freedom and coordinate (0.0, 0.0, 10.5)
    { "Nodes": { "4": { "ndof" : 3, "totaldof": [12, 13, 14], "freedof" : [-1, -1, -1], "coords" : [0.0, 0.00, 10.50] } } }

    A free two-dimensional NODE with 3 degree of freedom and coordinate (0.20, 0.50)
    { "Nodes": { "48": { "ndof" : 3, "totaldof": [345, 346, 347], "freedof" : [327, 328, 329], "coords" : [0.20, 0.50] } } }