Seismo-VLAB  1.3
An Open-Source Finite Element Software for Meso-Scale Simulations

The Analysis class performs a simulation. The analysis abstract class that can be either StaticAnalysis and DynamicAnalysis. The analysis class is designed to:

  • Be applied to a certain LoadCombo.
  • Provide with an interface in which the results are passed to the Recorder class.

The main member function in Analysis is:

  • Analysis::Analyze()
    This function is in charge of perform the analysis, update the solution and write the desire solution.

Each derived class are provided with the member function:

  • StaticAnalysis::UpdateDomain()
    This function update the displacement states, material and section internal states as well as compute the reaction forces.
  • DynamicAnalysis::UpdateDomain()
    This function update the displacement. velocity and acceleration states. It also update the element material and section internal states as well as compute the reaction forces.

In general, the Analysis class performs modification on the finite element mesh by solving a LinearSystem. The linear system uses an specified Integrator to compute the model effective stiffness \(\mathbf{K}_{\textrm{eff}}\) and effective force vector \(\textrm{F}_{\textrm{eff}}\). Finally, the integrator with the aid of an specified Algorithm enforces the convergence criterion for the linear/nonlinear system of equations. More information regarding the derived analyses classes can be found at:


  • Forde, B. W. R., Foschi, R. O., & Stiemer, S. F. (1990). "Object-oriented finite element analysis". Computers & Structures, 34(3), 355–374.
  • Mackie, R. I. (1992). "Object oriented programming of the finite element method". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 35(2), 425–436.